Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31

Are you, or is someone you know, looking for a new job?
Rich is looking to hire a full time employee in his furniture
manufacturing business.  Woodworking experience is an asset.
Interested?  Come apply in person or send your resume to

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 29

This picture is far from perfect,
but it portrays my kids exactly!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 28

A day at the beach isn't complete without a bit of fishing.
Here, Blake is inspecting their catch.  A while later, the older kids noticed that Reuben had dumped the bucket empty.  When they asked Reuben why he did that, he simply responded, "All the fish were playing dead anyways."

August 27

We went to Sasquatch Park for a beach day on Monday.  We were the only ones there for the longest time.  The weather was perfect, and when the kids decided to quit bickering and play nice, the company was great too ;)

August 26

Happy Weekend!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

August 25

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I've never seen a yellow spider before.  I did a bit of 'googling' and found
out it is called a flower crab spider or goldenrod crab spider (Misumena vatia).
It's sometimes even called a banana spider because of it's vivid yellow color.
As much as I hate spiders, I did find this one quite interesting!

Friday, August 24, 2012

August 24

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Straw flower in bloom (top)
and in seed (bottom) -
on the same plant.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 23

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Love this!
Impromptu late night campfires...
Pure summer relaxation.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August 22

In June, I posted a picture of Dustin on the roof outside the
second storey windows.  Patricia left a comment about giving him
my window cloths and putting him to work!
So that's exactly what I did yesterday! And he did a great job too
- with some clowning around, of course!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 21

Spinning, spinning, spinning!

August 20

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All of a sudden, the new school year is just around the corner.
Time to figure out what we still need for school supplies!
I don't know if I'm ready for them to go back in 2 weeks...

August 19

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Happy Weekend!

Monday, August 20, 2012

August 18

It took this little guy a bit to get the hang of sleeping away from home,
but after a few days, it got much better.

But Friday, he seemed out of sorts, even taking a short nap on the beach.
Friday night, he barely slept, and by Saturday morning, we didn't have to wonder why he was so upset.  The red spots started showing up. (I thought it was chicken pox, but I'm starting to think it's hand/foot/mouth...)
Do I have to say that the trip home wasn't the most enjoyable??

But he did take his first steps while on holidays!
He was so proud of himself!!

August 17

Everyone needs an ice cream cone once in a while!

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August 16

The kids spent so much time fishing and playing on the docks.

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August 15

A holiday is all about having fun in the water.
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August 14

We went with Les & Krista and their three kids.
Lots of fun was had by all!
Kayla and Josie
Tyler and Reuben keeping each other safe from the edge
Ivan and Blake sharing sandy treats
Playing softball
Scooping pebbles
Making s'mores
Brotherly love
Konking suckers
Cooling off an unsuspecting Les
Tyler and Josie giggling about nothing in particular!

August 13

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Anything with wheels to get around was appreciated by all.
That crazy Skelter (and various passengers) was the talk of the campground!!
It was always pulling something or someone else around.