Well hello! Can you believe it? A blog post....
Thanks to the prodding of a certain niece :) You know who you are...
We've had an eventful summer.
First and foremost, we were blessed with the birth of our baby boy,
Linden Jamie, on July 26, 2014.
He weighed 8lb 12oz (3960grams)...
quite the heavyweight for being 2+ weeks early.
Later that same day, we were transferred to Abbotsford Regional Hospital so Linden
could be admitted to the NICU. He had some fluid in his lungs that concerned the doctors.
After 48 hours, this cleared up on its own, thankfully. After 6+ days in the hospital
(3 days before he finally made his appearance and 3+ days after), we were SO thankful
to finally go home and see the other kids finally :)
The past few weeks have been a blur of feeding times, burps, diaper changes,
and lots and lots of snuggles...
More blog posts to follow...
Baby's calling...