Here's a few pictures of our 'home' for the holidays.
It was a new park model, which worked out perfectly for us!
It was a new park model, which worked out perfectly for us!
This is the outside of our place. If you look carefully you can see that the desk is suspended over the wall, which goes straight down to the next site under us. I wonder how many rocks and other articles were dropped into the neighbour's water fountain from above by the end of our stay.
The kids' bedroom. They loved it!
Reuben was quite enthralled by the washing machine with the window!
The first time I used it, I thought we were having an earthquake when the spin cycle started. The whole house started shaking and I thought we were going to fall over the wall!!
Here you can see our place from below. Now you can see better that we were hanging over the wall!
That looks like a very nice place!