Rich started this bird feeder in November, then it sat, waiting for a roof.
Yesterday, he finished it off, and this morning
the birds were enjoying their breakfast on the deck!
I'm so happy with it! (Krista, you can tell Les ours is finally done!!)
Note to self: don't ask Rich to tackle a project like this again.
He's a PERFECTIONIST, and 'throwing' something together like this,
with rough edges, and pieces that don't fit together perfectly,
nice bird feeders! Your husband and my husband must be related :) Bill is into bird feeders too. His latest project is a swallow house on the top of the clothesline pole. He didn't make it though, he goes to that bird store ($$$$$). We had so many pine siskins (groups of 50 or more) and lots of finches but now we have a Coopers Hawk (pretty sure that is what it is) and it eats finches so, needless to say, the little birds are gone. Oh we also have 2 Flickers and 2 Downy Woodpeckers that feed regularly. Oh, and a squirrel that does acrobats to get in the feeders. We have a trap set but he is too smart!! Enjoy your feathered friends :)