After searching for years for the perfect potting bench at the perfect price,
I came across a notice in the garage sale advertisements in the
newspaper yesterday for rustic potting benches, wheelbarrows, and the sort.
So bright and early this morning, off we went to check it out.
So, so happy with it...and the kids love it too!
Looking out the kitchen window earlier, this is what I saw.
Isn't he so sweet? LOVE HIM!
I don't know if I'm totally happy with it standing there in front of the shop though.
I always imagined it sitting on my deck somewhere...
But we'll see how I feel about it in a couple of weeks.
If you drive by and it's not in front of the shop anymore
then I've changed my mind!
very nice! looks good there but it would look real good on your deck too.
...or it might be sitting on my patio lol!