Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 20

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Josie wanted to take a picture of me with Blake.
So here it the result.
Blake is sure NOT impressed with the whole thing!


  1. Josie is quite the photographer! :)

  2. Hello Marian - thanks for stopping by for a blog visit.

    Wow, what beautiful children - and your daughter is certainly on her way to becoming an excellent photographer!!
    Hope your Summer warms/dries up soon. Sending you sunshine and warmth from North Carolina......where we are so fed up with 100+ degrees and NO rain, week after week!

    Mary - A Breath of Fresh Air

    P.S. Read your rat story - hope he's gone far away by now. We have a family of foxes, and although I haven't found one in the car, they do come and go through the garden......and the kits are now as large as the parents. It's a bit scary!
