Saturday, April 2, 2011

April 2

Today was the annual plowing match.  As you can see from the top picture, the weather wasn't too cooperative.  The mud was unbelievable.  The kids were really looking forward to going this year for the first time, but it was WAY to mucky, rainy, and cold.  We stopped along the road, but no one got out!
But this afternoon, the sun is shining brightly, and I found blossoms on my trees along the driveway!!!  (Sorry Auntie Niet, but I HAD to post this!)


  1. Wow, look at your blossoms! Mine aren't anywhere near opening yet and I have the same tree!

  2. Amidst another severe winter snow storm, all day blowing snow, white-out condtions, your pic of the spring blossoms really did send a ray of hope for us over here! Our spring must really be just around the corner, right?
    Auntie Niet
